Friday, May 29, 2009


Yay! I got my essay proof-read by two amazing people, and yesterday... I uploaded it to UCAS!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!!!! Now, all I have left is to pay the application fee! That's it! Then I'm all applied for school! Unfortunately that will have to wait until payday. :(

I can't believe I'm nearly, officially applied for school. It seems so unreal. At the beginning of this, it felt like the application process would never end. Now it almost has. Then comes the waiting to hear if I got in. Yikes! I'm so nervous! My stomach ties up in knots, just thinking about it. What if I'm not accepted? That is a truly terrible thought. It makes me want to hide in a hole under a rock, and never come out again. I want this so badly.

I've been feeling very lucky lately. I have such an amazing group of friends, and a fabulous family. They are all so supportive and encouraging. I don't have a clue why they all hang around me, but I'm so glad that they do! I want to say to all my friends and family, here and abroad, I love you all so much and I am so thankful for each and every one of you!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Feeling "Blah"

It's been one of those days... One of those weeks actually. It seems like nothing is going right. Work has been really tough. I'm not sure what the problem there, is exactly. I've not been sleeping either. That doesn't help. I don't know... I just feel a bit dull, really.

I feel stupid for feeling that way. I've got a three day weekend coming up. I've got plans to hang out with my good friend Tara on Saturday night. I am excited about that, it's been so long since we got together. My niece may be spending some time with me over Sunday night... But still "blah."

My suspicion is, that as things are not moving as quickly as I would like, school-wise, my disappointment is coloring my outlook. (Yes, I did spell color without a "u," I'm not in England yet! :D )

I want so badly to know if I'll be going to England. I know I'll get there eventually, I'm determined, but school is a perfect vehicle for that, and I badly want my Zoology degree. And I loathe the term "eventually." I hate indefinites like that...

Sorry I'm whining and moaning... As I said, it's been one of those weeks... I have faith that all things work together for good, for those who love God. I love God a LOT. So I am not really as hopeless as I might sound at the moment! In fact, I'm feeling better as I type it all out, getting it all of my chest I suppose. Anyway, have a blessed holiday weekend!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Wonder...

Today, I have been wondering... Do people actually read this thing? I was having trouble with some settings for a while, so the comments were disabled, but my blog only has two followers... And they are two of my best friends and they follow it because they know I'll make them if they don't. I feel so bad if I don't keep this blog up to date, but am I just wasting my worry? hmmm... Is my life really at all interesting to other people? I have no idea. Oh, well... I'll just keep on typing, it's fun regardless.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Yay For Me!

I am feeling a great swell of pride over a recent accomplishment... I finished typing my essay! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!! I got it done while my kids were sleeping... You know, my students. I sent a copy of it, via email, to my second mother, who is an English teacher, to proof-read. After I get her suggestions, I'll probably have a couple other people look over it before I submit it. I'm terribly nervous. I haven't actually written anything even remotely resembling an essay in almost eight years. Eek!

I have suddenly found the excitement over my plan to move, which has been missing of late. In the midst of all the chaos of life, and trying to get all of this stuff done, I had lost the excitement. If anyone asked me how the application process was going, or if I had done anything more with it, I would feel all annoyed, worried, and scared. But now, I don't have a clue why I was feeling that way! I feel just as excited as I did the very first day I decided to go. Life suddenly looks bright again A combination of school application stuff, work stuff, classes, and personal stuff had me thinking that I might as well forget it, but now... WOO HOO!!!!!!!! I'm moving to England!!!! I almost feel as though I already got my acceptance, financial aid, and visa!!!

I am resisiting the urge to do a dance around the room... I'm at work, and the children are still sleeping... If any of my bosses ask though... I was ONLY working on school stuff, NOT blogging. hehehe ;)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Time is something I need more of. I mean, I'm writing this at 5:40 in the morning for crying out loud! It is the only chance I've had in days. I often wish that I had a magic wand, or a time turner, then I could either get everything I need to done by magic, or I could do hours over again to give myself more time. That would be really nice...

Anyway, school stuff... So, in my last blog, I said that I had gotten my reference in. I also said that my goal for the day was to type up my essay... Well, I'm trying not to focus too much on my failures, except as opportunities to learn... I have learned, that setting goals, while great in general, need to be a bit more realistic to your present situation. I mean, I actually haven't looked at my essay since I finished the very first, really rough draft... hmmmm.

So here is an attempt at setting a more realistic goal... My goal is, at some point this week, to at least read through what I have written, and make a few improvements. Also to begin typing it, even if only a couple of words.

That looks slightly do-able. I mean, between, homework, class, worship practice, more classes, preparing for my friends wedding (I'm not in it, but I need a haircut, to wax my eyebrows, and find something to wear.), going to the wedding, finding time for friends and family so our relationships can remain healthy, work, and trying not to crack up... My time table is pretty full up... So, if I can reach my goal for the week, I'll be rather proud. Because looking at the list of all I have to do this week, and every week, suddenly makes me realize, that maybe, just maybe, the "realistic" goal I set for myself, was more ambitious than I thought...