Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Panic Attack

I woke up today, and began having a mild panic attack. Well, not mild per-say. More of a MAJOR panic attack.

What am I thinking?!

I'm too old to go back to school!

Do I even know how to learn in that kind of environment any more?

I can't move to another continent!

It would really be better to stay here, I mean it's... Well, I was going to say "comfortable" but it's not. I am not comfortable with only half living my life...

Am I really brave enough to go, even if I do get in?

What if I don't get in?!

What if they don't grant me a visa?

Can I really move away from EVERYTHING I have ever known?

Can I really leave all my family, most of my friends?

Will my pets know me any more, when I come back for visits?

Will my niece and nephews know me?

How weird will it feel to VISIT my home?

I know a lot of these things are questions that hundreds of thousands of people have had before... But... Well, I've never really asked them before, not seriously. I gave them a cursory thought when I decided to go to school. It didn't seem as huge then though. Sort far off, you know? Hmmmm... God, help!

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