Friday, February 26, 2010

New Technology and a LOT of Impatience

After months of dreaming, it has finally happened... I have a Macbook! Yay! I am ridiculously happy. I have been trying to find a way to afford one forever. And just when I was about to give up hope... Ta Da! Macbook! It isn't new, but it's new to me. It works great, but has some funny little quirks. For instance, the "o" key needs special attention. It won't stand for being pressed just like all the other keys. Oh no! You have to take a little extra time, to show it that you really want it to make an "o." If you treat it like any other key, it will refuse to make an "o" in protest... Another quirk is the disc drive. It works when it feels like it, and ONLY then. Hmmm. I may have to look into getting that little quirk ironed out. Those are the only ones I have found so far, but I have no doubt I'll discover more as time goes on. As it is, I am just basking in the joy of being able to communicate with people more frequently. Or, you know, blog in the middle of the day.

Excuse me for one moment...
Ok, I'm back.

Now you are probably expecting me to list the things I am feeling a bit impatient over. You would be correct. The first thing I am impatient about is finding out about school. I need to know really soon if I am going to get in. I need to get financial aid and get my student visa going. All of this takes time. I have gone from checking UCAS twice a day to checking UCAS five to seven times a day. Even when it's like three in the morning in the UK. It's driving me crazy!! I don't know how much longer I can handle the suspense. I might just crack.

Another impatience is this. I bought tickets to take a three and a half week vacation in the UK! I leave in two and a half weeks. It's KILLING me. I haven't had a proper vacation in... Hmm... I don't know how long. No wonder I am cracking up...

Now I would like you all to look back over this post and count how many "o's" were used. And think about the fact that each time I used one, I had to give the key a little extra attention...

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