Tuesday, August 10, 2010

God's Funny

As I stated in my last post, this has been a day of sadness... But good things are happening too!

For MONTHS I have been looking for ways to supplement my income. I have debts to pay, and I need to save for school. I have spent hours every day, looking for part time jobs and filling out applications. I don't relish the idea of holding down two jobs, but... You gotta do what you gotta do. But it was all to no avail. NOBODY wanted to hire me. But I keep trying... I sold an old keyboard, which was a HUGE breakthrough. I had been trying to sell it for months, and found that one of my coworkers needed it. Yay!

If you have ever read any of my previous posts, you know how much I love animals. Well, God's funny. He gave me a kind of head-smack a couple of weeks ago. I was sort of complaining, telling him how hard it all is, how I can't find work. That's when I got the "wake up" head-smack. It went something like this... "You love animals, right? And you have cared for ALL sorts of them for friends and family, right? You have experience with dogs, cats, horses, birds, and even piranhas, right?... Advertise as a pet sitter already!! God's pretty smart, in addition to being funny. I mean, what a great idea! Do something I LOVE to do, and get paid for it? Brilliant!

I started composing some ads... I posted on craigslist and facebook marketplace. As of this very moment, I have two paying jobs booked! One for a lady who saw my ad on craigslist. She has a whole variety of animals and wants ME to take care of them. Another for an acquaintance/friend of mine... She heard from our mutual friend that I was going into the pet sitting business and gave me a call! Not a bad start, eh? I am super excited! I get to help people and animals! I get to have fun! I get to make money doing it! Hooray!

God, thanks for the head-smack! You rock!

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